Caesar Cipher Wheel Online

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  • scroll
    key (ROT):

    On this page, we’re going to bring you a tool called Caesar Cipher Wheel. With this tool, it is possible to know exactly the letter that will be replaced according to the key entered.

    To use the caesar cipher wheel on this page, you just need to insert the key you want in the center of the circle, and the wheel will rotate as per your choice.

    This tool is used to help in encoding and decoding the caesar cipher. Answering the doubts of those who need to understand how this type of encryption works.

    The caesar cipher was the first type of cryptography created and today we consider it to be outdated and easily breakable. Despite being simple, this encryption model worked perfectly for its creator (Julio CĂ©sar) to communicate with his generals and military.

    To encode or decode your text or code, use our caesar cipher translator.

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